The Walt Right
Walt Right Perspectives
Episode 24 : The Midwest Strikes Back with Gordon Kahl
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -3:11:35

Episode 24 : The Midwest Strikes Back with Gordon Kahl

In today’s episode of Walt Right Perspectives I am joined by Gordon Kahl.

Gordon is Editor in Chief of and host of the prominent white nationalist podcast Achtung! Amerikaner, which emphasizes issues pertinent to midwestern white people.

I first encountered Gordon after narcissistically googling myself and discovering the podcast episode his crew had done decrying my apostasy from white nationalism, as well as my arrogant and uncharitable diatribe against the Midwest.

While several of Gordon’s kameraden expressed the desire to shove me in a locker, and suspected me of being a Mischling (no), race mixer (do Castizas and Jewesses count?) and nerd (guilty as charged but so are they), Gordon himself seemed a reasonable and charitable fellow, which prompted me to immediately invite him on my podcast.

Topics include:

  • How the clinal nature of race doesn’t invalidate race as a category

  • Walt is a wog, not Jewish (not that there’s anything wrong with that!)

  • Gordon’s position of racial edge cases

  • Walt’s pro-white case for reparations

  • How Walt can still have identitarian feelings despite no longer being a white nationalist

  • Why WNs (and the right in general) are generally bad at rhetoric because they generally insist on approaching every issue in an extremely direct way

  • How Gordon went from a Bernie Bro to a white nationalist

  • How a soft WN has become mainstream / accepted among conservatives

  • The surge of extreme antiwhite sentiment in the media in 2013-2017 and the role of this in spurring antisemitism

  • How Jared Taylor is unfairly grandfathered into canceling

  • How Walt is able to be openly pro-white without being a white nationalist

  • Hitler was pragmatic and would have disapproved of modern Nazi LARPers

  • Why Walt is no longer an antisemite

  • The practical impossibility of disaggregating the legitimate meritocratic success of an elite outgroup from ethnic nepotism

  • How have Jews been treated in America compared to German Americans etc.?

  • Walt’s desire to serve as a facilitator between Jews and WNs

  • How the proliferation of extreme antiwhite and anti-Zionist sentiment on the left has shifted coalitional incentive structures and made it much more attractive for conservative Jews to ally with soft WNs

  • The strategic utility for WNs of having nonwhite allies

  • Walt’s disdain for the idea that coalitions should be permanent and proposal that every issue should be dealt with individually

  • How Walt is spiritually Jewish and can understand their outlook on the world

  • Why drawing a hard line to exclude edge cases is practically necessary to avoid “slippery slope” situations

  • Gordon disapproves of Walt’s naughty lifestyle

  • Why Walt has always opposed exclusionary antisemitism, even as a WN

  • How Hanania and Walt’s actions have strategically expanded the Overton Window

  • Getting “canceled” isn’t that bad these days because the woke moment is over

  • The Buzzfeed journos who wrote extreme antiwhite articles weren’t “elite Jews”—actual elite Jews like Matt Yglesias tend to restrain antiwhite sentiment in Democrat coalition

  • How moving to Florida and seeing Ron DeSantis turn Puerto Ricans conservative turned Walt into a Castizo Futurist

  • Gordon is a pragmatist and doesn’t care about precise ethnic admixture

  • How the white vs. black conflict is more discrete compare to other ethnic conflicts

  • Walt’s support of a “temperamental/lifestyle pluralism” where rural and urban people can agree to live different lifestyles without going to war

  • Walt’s disdain for the Nebraskan Corn Huskers

  • Gordon’s attitude toward sports and observation that sports culture has declined

  • Why college sports becomes more important in areas without a national team

  • Most small business owners are much bigger assholes than corporate managers

  • The tension in the American upper class between left wing professionals and right wing small business owners

  • The temperamental difference between “city people” and “country people”

  • The arrogant tendency of coastals who move to the midwest to feel like they should immediately be seen as leaders

  • How midwesterners were bullied into abandoning their German heritage

  • How assimilated immigrants will often bully unassimilated immigrants who make them look bad

  • Gordon doesn’t want yuppies to stay in the midwest and supports all of them moving to NYC

  • Walt’s positive memories of the midwest

  • The appeal of living downtown in a high rise for a young man with money

  • Gordon’s desire to drive off degenerates with pitchforks and torches

  • Walt’s encouragement of young men to embrace a piratical lifestyle plundering big corporations to obtain wealth and power

  • A movement needs to let its rockstars act like rockstars if they provide value

  • Midwestern tendency to overlook problems that aren’t staring you in the face

  • Midwesterners can and should benefit from allying with right wing urbanites whose lifestyles they find objectionable

  • Why Walt values struggle for its own sake because it facilitates greater honesty

  • Why Walt supports imperialism as a mechanism to preserve the dollar as the world’s reserve currency

  • Progressivism tends to equate intelligence with moral worth

  • How foreign brain drain promotes mass migration

  • Does Gordon think Walt is a rabid dog that should be put down?

  • How dour and purity spiraling attitude of WNs costs political capital and success

  • Walt’s contempt for “big fish in small pond” attitude of midwestern elites

  • Elites in small towns could have a big positive impact if they demonstrated leadership but choose not to due to seflishness and solipsism

  • Walt’s proposal to move the American capital to Cairo, IL

  • How American elites have failed to provide real leadership

  • Walt wants to help midwesterners get rich and invest in real estate

  • Rightists need to “live and let live” in terms of lifestyle

  • Failure of Millennials to properly mentor and develop Zoomers

  • Walt’s exhorts Gordon and his listeners to seize material / institutional power and demonstrate leadership to dumber and less agentic people

  • How a “chain of edginess” where you platform people one degree to the right of you is tremendously effective at expanding the Overton Window

  • People who have power deal with the world as it is, not as it should be

  • Walt’s goal to create a discourse space where everyone can negotiate in a transactional and coalitional way

  • Leaders in society need to protect normies from dangerous social trends

  • Midwestern Hobbits need to respect harsher and less virtuous Men of Gondor on the front lines

  • Gordon has seen the good sides of the Midwest because he is an insider

  • Midwestern “warrior caste” will often be more hostile to weird white people from Florida than complete civilizational outliers

  • Most guys in fringe movements who start stupid fights just need a dad

  • Coastal tech bros need to teach guys in the heartland to make money with remote tech / finance jobs they can use to subsidize their local leadership efforts

  • Guys need to stop ankle biting their leaders

  • Walt’s desire to serve as a metapolitical “transitional figure” between WN and the mainstream

  • How Ron DeSantis failed by not sending the National Guard to defend Trump

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The Walt Right
Walt Right Perspectives
agentic takes for highly Faustian white boys