On this episode of Walt Right Perspectives I am joined once more by Daniella Pentsak, who writes here on Substack at Freedom Verse. This is her third appearance on the show, which is now a WRP record!
Unfortunately I accidentally took twice the intended dose of Adderall before the call, so I spent most of it monologuing at poor Daniella like a cult leader. If this makes you feel bad for her you should definitely go to her page and subscribe!
Topics include:
How the Alt Right shifted the Overton Window by existing as rungs on a “ladder of edginess” and “not punching right”
Daniella’s take on what shifting the Overton Window looks like on the ground
Charlie Kirk / Matt Walsh have adopted longstanding identarian talking points
Conservatives have an inflexible view of politics because they often view political ideals through a totalistic religious lens
Conservatives as Poor Predictable Rock — they need to adapt and see their political orientation in a more intersectional light
Polarization isn’t always good — we need flexibility in coalition building and foreign policy
Conservatives were too easily propagandized by Putin into siding with Russia
Georgetown Dinnah Pahties are a good thing because you need liberal and conservative elites talking to each other
A respect for open debate and pluralism is the best basis for a friend-enemy distinction
Other races are afraid of white people because of the Faustian Spirit
Totalistic white ideology is terrifying
Why are so many of the most sadistic serial killers white?
Sadism is enabled by empathy — the capacity for profound good and the capacity for great evil go hand in hand
Watch this clip from an amazing movie about Ted Bundy to see what I mean
The opposite of love isn’t hatred, it’s indifference
Popular fascination with serial killers and necessary darkness of criminal profilers
You aren’t actually a good person unless you have the option to do evil
Modern civilization requires a certain affected sociopathy
The DSM isn’t a robustly scientific document
You can’t manipulate people without some level of empathy
Whites need to recognize the capacity for evil in our hyper-ideological nature
HBD should lead to a kind of protectiveness toward black people
Black Americans are our ethnic kin
Celts and Africans have a lot of temperamental similarities
Walt’s Intersectional Identitarianism
Sometimes you need a teenage mean girl to call you retarded