The Walt Right
Walt Right Perspectives
Episode 47 : Groypers and the Woman Question with Daniella Pentsak

Episode 47 : Groypers and the Woman Question with Daniella Pentsak


Today I speak (for a fourth time!) with the lovely and talented


We first discuss Nick Fuentes’s recent AFPAC conference, before shifting gears to discussing the plans outlined in my recent Walt Right Manifesto to win back the unmarried white female vote by addressing women’s issues in a forward-looking way.

Then in our final segment I float an inflammatory theory about human sexuality that I don’t want normies to hear and we therefore decided to paywall.

To hear the full episode, check out the version on Daniella’s publication and give our girl a paid sub so she can join the orange check club!

Topics include:

  • The cancellation of AFPAC and how Fuentes handled it

  • Jared Taylor goes to AFPAC

  • Is Nick leading the movement in a less racialist and more religious direction?

  • The rhetorical advantage of Zoomer informalism

  • Is Fuentes decentering race and engaging Muslims to bring nonwhites into a broad coalition against the Jewish lobby?

  • Will the Groyper movement be taken seriously as a political bloc in 5-10 years?

  • Walt explains to Daniella the history of people calling Jared Taylor “soft on Jews”

  • The metapolitics of Jewish identity in contemporary America

  • Spencer’s followers in 2015 were a lot less sycophantic than Fuentes’s today

  • Can Nick Fuentes be an effective leader of WN 3.0?

  • Walt thinks that Nick needs to set a better example for his younger followers

  • Protecting your people when you lead them into a dangerous situation is essential for any leader

  • Is Nick’s friendliness towards Muslims and other subaltern ethnic groups going to exacerbate sexual polarization and the Incel Question?

  • Sexual polarization is much worse than racial polarization (look at South Korea!)

  • No political / cultural scene can grow if it’s a sausagefest that alienates women, and it’s not scalable to guys as they age and grow more successful with girls

  • You can’t adopt a Christian Nationalist philosophy alongside incel talking points

  • Walt’s plan to win back white women to the GOP:

    • Adopting politically sustainable views on abortion contra prolife maximalists

    • Sweep homeless off the streets and relocate them to a facility in Nebraska

    • Impose federal laws against revenge porn and AI deepfakes and give women resources to get nudes of them taken down

    • Bring back breach of promise laws to allow women to sue ex-fiancés

    • Take action to curb endocrine disruptors

    • Introduce a civil charge of “rakishness” for coerced consent situations

  • Is there a tension between Walt’s embrace of Barstool Conservatism and his advocacy for a rakishness charge?

  • Could a more realistic explanation of male pushiness in sex ed classes make girls more sexually agentic later in life?

  • Walt’s suggestion to bring back slapping alongside a push for greater male sexual assertiveness

  • The sexual subtext of a woman going behind closed doors with you

  • Why is everyone so autistic these days and bad at reading subtext / body language, especially in intersexual communication?

  • It’s not denying female agency or “victim blaming” to tell women not to put themselves in a situation where being agentic is much harder

  • Women underestimate how bad (especially modern) men are at picking up on body language

  • Walt advocates radical transparency / formalism in intersectional communication

  • Walt pushes Daniella to clarify her anti-natalism

  • Daniella thinks dysfunctional proliferation of higher education is responsible for fertility crisis and more people should be discouraged from going to college

  • Walt advocates that women go to college at 35 instead of 20

  • Men don’t care about a woman’s income but do care about her education

  • Walt advocates a “formal Mrs. degree” where high status girls can mix with high status young men and find a husband before going back to school later in life

  • Walt insists that high IQ young men need to go to college

  • It’s easier to dumb down humanities courses than STEM courses

  • What is causing the crisis of competency among Core Zoomers?

  • It’s coded as feminist these days to oppose hormonal birth control

  • Walt and Daniella endorse the Faustian Copper IUD

  • Who is actually getting STIs? Are people having casual sex without a condom?

  • Zoomer women are less likely to demand you wear a condom

  • Porn websites have started mixing in gay porn to turn people gay

  • Does surrounding yourself with women lower your T levels?

  • Hormonal birth control creates a lot of toxic downstream incentive structures

  • Walt floats an extremely controversial theory that will only be accessible behind Daniella’s paywall

  • Does going on steroids make you like fat chicks?

  • Conservatives don’t understand sexual plasticity

  • Modern porn has a lot of elements that are probably changing male cognition in a way that is genuinely harmful to young girls

  • Walt’s plan to address porn addiction by creating porn rehabilitation centers funded by taxing porn websites

  • Walt’s stance on restricting porn via driver’s license verification etc.

  • Walt’s rakishness charge would be weaponized by low status guys who get cheated on and their guilty wives/girlfriends

  • Daniella compliments Walt’s impression of Bill Clinton

  • Walt is salty that people think

    did a better Jared Taylor impression and wonders why nobody impersonates Richard Spencer well

  • Walt admires Richard Spencer’s elocution

  • Groypers all try to emulate Fuentes’s 1950s newscaster cadence

  • Daniella notices right wing men try to impress girls by being good at impressions

  • It’s important as a public figure to brand yourself aesthetically

  • is the most talented at Trump impressions

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