I want to collect some data on the sort of people who follow me on Substack. Once I have enough responses I will edit this post and provide some interesting analytics.
Please take this personality test and type your results in the comments section below:
If you are curious, my own results are as follows:
***EDIT 5/10***
I have processed the first day’s worth of analytics across fifty unique data points:
As predicted, average openness was through the roof, with a narrow spread and only a single major outlier (of 44). All other dimensions show an average close to 50 with a large standard deviation, indicating that in these areas my followers aren’t meaningfully different from normal people.
And that makes sense—the Walt Right draws from a very wide swath of people with incredibly distinct backgrounds, temperaments, and sensibilities. What ties us together? Incredibly high openness. I’ve come to realize that such openness is what I value more than anything else as a political principle, and should be seen as the fundamental bedrock of the Walt Right.
So basically it looks like all the higher neuroticism people are INTJs and the few of us low neuroticism people are INTPs. That's why we can talk to you right-wingers without getting upset. :) I got:
O: 89
C: 43
E: 47
A: 41
N: 8
I think descriptors are more fun, so I'll just give the names I've been called by people, which I think validate the results:
- A robot
- A cyborg
- A Soviet spy
- A gay man in a woman's body (this didn't used to have the implications it does nowadays)
- Larry David if he was a hot chick
- An ice queen
- An alien
- Karmic Retribution Woman
- A hedonic flesh computer
- A Valkyrie with a brain transplant from an old Jewish man
- Way less of a bitch than I thought you were
Openness: 90
Conscientiousness: 44
Extraversion: 50
Agreeableness: 54
Neuroticism: 37.5
I will say that I have always found pretty much every personality test I've tried to be lackluster. It's probably because I'm too much of a "thinker" but sliding scale type questions irk me. My results can be a decent bit different on any given period I take the test, though I will say that I think this result is still the ballpark. I wish there was a personality test that was strictly scenario based. I.e., "You are at an obligatory social event that you didn't really want to go to, but were required to for work. Do you: (A) try to make the most of it and meet new people; (B) keep to yourself and only interact when spoken to or necessary; (C) find a familiar face and strike up a conversation; (D) make an excuse to not go at all.
A collection of those would be much more revealing to true disposition than "Do you like people on a scale of 1 to 5?" I'm not even sure what aspect of my personality this qualm reveals lol. Disagreeableness? Low conscientiousness? High Openness paired with those to provide a contrarian creativity? Your guess is as good as mine.