I’ve decided I’m going to start a recurring mailbag where I give Zoomers life advice.
There is a startling lack of mentorship being supplied to our irony-poisoned little brothers, and this is beginning to really irritate me.
It seems the Boomers were right about us Millennials: we’re lazy, solipsistic, and act like the world revolves entirely around us. We’ve largely proven completely uninterested in giving younger men any practical advice for succeeding in their twenties. By my reckoning, there’s only one major figure in our generation actively teaching young guys how to get money and women, and that’s Andrew Tate.
There’s a lot to dislike about Tate, but the women and concerned fathers who despise his influence among young men fail to realize that by schoolmarmishly castigating his approach and trying to push Zoomer guys into the longhouse they only empower him.
The only people who can seriously combat Andrew Tate Thought are personally successful men interested in helping Zoomer guys achieve masculine goals without sanctimoniously wagging a finger at them. You need to reach young guys where they are and offer them real leadership, and that means providing a competing worldview that explains how women behave in a way that feels accurate and compelling.
It also means providing young guys with practical tactics to get money and get pussy.
And yes, you have to say “get pussy”. That’s part of it. When you marmishly wag your finger at that kind of talk, a lot of young guys will call you a faggot or Boomer and go back to listening to Andrew Tate. I would never talk that way in mixed company, but the rules are very different when it’s young single men speaking among themselves.
And if you’re a feminist or tradcon dad who is genuinely concerned about how young women are treated by men pursuing them sexually, you should really want someone like me offering this advice instead of some shabby beige pimp.
I recently had on my podcast a man named Noah Revoy, who’s built a large platform helping men and women become more agentic and successful in pursuing their goals.
He describes his work as “the job that wouldn’t have to be done if all of our fathers did their jobs,” and having myself worked with Noah just a few years ago, I can wholeheartedly endorse this description.
Over the years I’ve experimented with a lot of different shrinks / life coaches, but Noah is literally the only one who has ever given me useful advice. This is mostly because he also has a blisteringly high IQ, and like me his temperament combines extremely high openness to experience with rock-bottom agreeableness, plus a perpetual desire for high-stakes conflict, risk taking, and high intensity stimulation.
Noah is also a lot more conscientious than me because he was raised in a deeply religious environment, but he understood my mindset well enough to see I couldn’t be motivated to action without first having the possibility of some tremendously asymmetrical return dangled in front of my face. His insight was therefore to give me fatherly permission to let loose on the world and be a bit of a pirate, while helping me develop the right heuristics to draw proper lines and not turn into Patrick Bateman.
Noah is a traditionalist and has been faithfully married in a monogamous union for over twenty years, but he’s also a man of the world and not some sanctimonious prig. He has a properly integrated shadow and knows how to candidly discuss the darker parts of human nature in a nuanced and empathetic way that gives everyone their due.
This wisdom is what allowed me to develop a framework for “traditionalist degeneracy” that lets me maneuver about in the world a lot more deftly than I could in my 20s.
As a young man I was told it’s good to be aggressive in pursuing women and money, and this heuristic initially produced many “quick wins” that seemed to confirm its power. But in the medium term such a low resolution filter produced mixed results.
For instance, it led to some unpleasant experiences with coworkers who felt I took advantage of their extreme conscientiousness and were basically right to feel this way. Mind you, I never flagrantly took credit for someone else’s work, but I did have a lot of bosses (usually women in their early thirties) who proactively did my work for me and always gave me great reviews that weren’t warranted. They did this because I knew how to make it very stressful for them to reproach me for doing a bad job, and women (particularly women from Northeast Asian cultures) are not great at direct conflict.
Unconfident middle managers are the biggest victims in capitalism, not “workers.”
It also produced a few bad experiences with women who gave me every indication they consented to a hookup, left my apartment in ostensibly high spirits, and then texted me a week later saying they had been uncomfortable. Every time this happened to me it hit like a cement truck, because while I was undeniably assertive in pursuing these women, I also had a policy of subtextually signaling a desire for affirmative consent before escalating through the bases. In practice this didn’t seem to matter.
It was only years later—after accumulating a lot more experience and exchanging notes with other guys who’d been through the same thing—that I realized the behavior of these women was mostly a product of me not buying them breakfast the next day or responding to their texts quickly enough, and in a few cases likely stemmed from a pathological agreeableness that makes it difficult for the afflicted woman to meaningfully consent to casual sex. But at the time I had a much more limited understanding, so whenever I got a text like that it felt absolutely horrible.
By my mid 20s, experiences like this had chastened me and left me bogged down in a stultifying malaise. I didn’t feel comfortable acting like a shark with people who really deserved it (or craved it), but even when being extremely diplomatic I’d find myself resented by unagentic peasants who still found me intolerably edgy / intense.
Thanks to Noah’s guidance, I was able to discover the right way to move past this. Instead of applying a low resolution filter to the world, I now apply a low resolution filter to myself that scares away anyone who can’t handle my intensity. As a result I’m now surrounded by folks who appreciate and benefit from my relentless aggression.
For instance, I switched careers after recognizing the truth in Noah’s observation that I can handle more stress than most people and enjoy taking risks and getting into fights. First I moved to the fast-paced world of consulting, where everyone is a predatory asshole and I was only exploiting Fortune 500s. A few years later I jumped to the even more stressful (and legally gray) world of job stacking, where the meta is to work three or four undemanding and fully remote “bullshit jobs,” and simultaneously pull in multiple six figure salaries with none of your employers the wiser.
As difficult as it is to juggle conflicting standup calls, this life is in many ways less emotionally demanding than the early stages of my career. I’m no longer trying to climb the ladder, and needn’t optimize for getting ahead at any particular firm, so I don’t have to bully my managers anymore. If I really don’t want to do something myself, I can usually hire a freelancer from the Phils for pennies on the dollar through my LLC, and their product is typically good enough to submit after light massaging.
But this is ultimately just a way to pay my bills in the short term. If everything works out as I intend, I’ll soon take this piratical impulse to its logical conclusion, doxx myself, and earn money arguing with people on the internet in a charismatic way.
And my dear reader can make this happen much sooner by becoming a Paychad today!
Applying a low resolution filter to oneself is also a fantastic way to ensure you only have positive experiences with women when pursuing casual hookups with strangers.
These days when approaching women I’ll say something sexual more or less immediately to instantly repel girls with a much lower sex drive or prohibitive levels of trauma. Not something scary / low status like a direct comment on her body or something about my cock—I’ll just say a painting on her wall looks like a vagina or something. If her response is cold I immediately end the date or terminate my pursuit. But if she laughs or encourages me, I know from the start I can proceed with gusto. This kind of release lets you be a lot more creative and uninhibited in your flirting
Another great filter is to repeatedly dare her to run away during the date while saying overtly sexual things or initiating light foreplay in a superbly lit public venue (not your grandma’s church barbeque, but something like a busy brewpub).
Even if you are a Chaste Trad Gentleman, you should always kiss her for the first time in public and in the middle of the date—ideally when you are both moderately tipsy. Waiting for the end of the date puts too much pressure on it, and is also retardedly suboptimal because this is seldom the precise moment she’s most attracted to you.
I personally go for a kiss immediately after I first make her belly laugh. This is the perfect moment to lean in (I always sit next to girls on first dates instead of across from them for this precise reason) and then say in a grug ooga booga way “hey come here, I wanna kiss you.” If the date is going well this will pretty much always work.
At that point you play it by ear—maybe touch her leg / foot under the table—while closing out the convo in a satisfying way. Then you finish the date by applying the ultimate low resolution filter to scare her off if she isn’t ready. Say in a very serious way “I really can’t wait to fuck you tonight”, while never once breaking eye contact.
Take a moment to gauge her reaction, and then excuse yourself to take a piss. This gives her enough time to determine if she actually wants to proceed, and if she’s smart she will immediately figure out what you’re doing and your gentlemanliness will make her feel a lot safer, which itself radically improves your chances of getting laid.
If she’s still there when you return, and doesn’t immediately say she’s not ready to sleep with you, you can basically do whatever you want for the rest of the evening. “Consent” is a non-issue at this point. If anything she’ll be let down if upon returning to your place you don’t immediately grab her by the throat and rip her panties off.
Obviously this approach requires a decent amount of experience with women and enough confidence to not care about rejection. I definitely couldn’t have made this work in my early twenties, and I wouldn’t suggest this precise strategy to any guy I’m mentoring unless he is already decent with women.
But looking back on my own life, I would also discourage an inexperienced guy from pursuing casual hookups in the first place. If you want meaningless sex with strange women to be a part of your life, you really need to adopt at least some aspects of this strategy, or you’ll occasionally receive a text that makes you feel pretty bad. You may eventually have to deal with nasty rumors about you, or even a false accusation.
Luckily the latter has never happened to me, as I’ve always known the right move in these scenarios is to immediately send a very assertive text that thoroughly recounts all instances of her giving consent and lists the evidence you have to that effect, before quickly sending a follow-up that displays a lot of empathy and offers to buy her brunch so you can talk things over. And yes, it specifically has to be brunch, because that codes as an innocent friendzone date; dinner has a sexual vibe you must avoid.
If you do this you will pretty much never receive any false accusations unless the girl is Livia Soprano levels of BPD. But sadly a lot of guys are pathetically agreeable and falsely implicate themselves by granting too much credence to a post-hoc distortion of events. Or guys will just get angry to see the girl distorting things, and will stubbornly throw away their chance to simply make the problem go away because of muh honor.
Succeeding with women isn’t as complicated as some guys make it out to be. You don’t necessarily need a deft hand—just one that feels equally comfortable in the velvet glove and iron gauntlet. That’s what makes girls feel safe and dispels neurosis.
Most guys figure this out for themselves eventually, but too often this requires going through a lot of unpleasant experiences in early adulthood. And for that I mostly blame modernity clogging up the pipes of intergenerational knowledge transfer.
A big problem these days is that parents mostly give horrendously bad advice.
This isn’t really their fault. I love my dad a lot, and think he’s a smart guy with good instincts and problem solving skills. But by the time I needed serious advice about my career and women, the dude was well into his fifties, and most of his takes about the world had grown stale during the Clinton administration.
For instance, just a few years ago he seriously proposed I find a wife by loitering at a university and hitting on undergrads. This is the sort of retard-tier advice Boomer men spewed for a generation at their unfortunate Millennial sons, and which ultimately produced an enormous societal need for something like The Red Pill.
People are simply having kids too late these days to be genuine mentors to their children. These days your parents feel like your grandparents, while your grandparents are dead or dying or Joe Biden levels of demented by the time you’re an adult. This retards the intergenerational transmission of knowledge in all sorts of unhelpful ways, and frequently creates weird power dynamics.
For instance, my podcast guest Raven Connolly spoke about how post-menopausal mothers in croneworld are often visibly jealous of their pretty teenage daughters, which makes it hard for girls to take their mom’s warnings about men seriously. And that makes a lot of sense to me—these girls would be much less likely to date a dangerous older guy if advised by a hot 41 year-old MILF with enormous sexual power of her own instead of a wizened quinquagenarian with National Geographic tiddies.
I imagine this dynamic wasn’t as harsh in premodern times, because your grandad’s world probably wasn’t meaningfully different from your own, and you probably even liked the same type of music and used the same slang. Oldsters would have seemed more in touch. Just imagine your grandma listening to Lana or organically saying rizz.
But these days we live in a brutally unstable ecology where attention spans have decayed to almost nothing, social trends never have enough time to cement, and the popular monoculture of yesteryear has largely frayed into an infinite array of subcultures with utterly distinct status markers and behavioral norms.
So if you want practically useful insights into the implicit rules and hierarchies of the power structures where you’re actually competing as a young person, you typically need to consult successful people 5-15 years older than yourself, because anyone older has long been ensconced in a self-selected bubble where the rules no longer apply (and good for them—creating such a bubble is the proper endpoint of such competition!)
And with things like short-term career goals or sexual “game” this has always been the case. Parents can provide general or long-term guidance, but it’s obviously not your dad’s job to show you how to get pussy. That would be very weird and gross.
Traditionally this was the role of older brothers, cousins, and male friends who’d hit on random girls while you tag along and take mental notes. You’d also serve as a kind of wingman by being an endearing little mascot for a group of older guys, which draws women in and makes the older boys seem less threatening.
This is still how conservative normies from big families with young parents and a vibrant church community learn how to flirt, and is why they’re less likely to be incels.
But in libtard mainstream society the family sizes and age gaps between siblings are much smaller, people aren’t as close to extended family, and most teenage boys really don’t want some random eight year-old following them around. Meanwhile, the retarded “grade” system in our schools and tendency of college students to stay in the uni bubble makes it pretty hard to have age gap friendships until you’re out in the working world. This deprives us of “big brother mentors” who can effectively demonstrate the level of manhood practically attainable in the short or medium term.
Which is precisely why each successive generation is taking a little longer to grow up.
When I look back on my own early adulthood roughly a decade ago, I realize I had it a million times better than Zoomer guys do today, because for Millennials there existed a very notable bright spot in the midst of all this chaos and confusion. I am of course speaking of the Gen X leadership class of internet subcultures like new atheism, Ron Paul libertarianism, Gamergate, the Manosphere, and the Alt Right.
Due to their feral and unsupervised “latchkey kid” childhood, this cohort of men was rebellious, cynical, and self-reliant. They saw us earnest and entitled Millennials as a bunch of sheltered simpering pussies. Meanwhile, my generation saw the Xers as overly nihilistic and deficient in the institutional spirit and exuberant energy needed to accomplish our long term goals. And both groups were basically correct.
In the aftermath of Charlottesville, my take for a long time was that the Gen X leadership of the Alt Right had let us down because they were too nomadic and ruthlessly individualistic to act as proper leaders and make the necessary sacrifices. Since then I’ve come to view our disintegration as having been mostly inevitable, and instead choose to focus on the tremendous good these guys did for us as big brothers.
You want to know why figures like Roosh were never a fraction as popular with Millennial guys as Andrew Tate is with Zoomers today? It’s because we had dozens of alternative role models like Richard Spencer, who showed us how to act like a cool rich guy in ways that are a million times more appealing to young men than boasting like a rapper about pimping women out in some sleazy Romanian cam studio.
A big reason I’m so nostalgic about the Alt Right and will still defend Richard Spencer to the death is that during those years he was kind of my parasocial big brother; his interview with this googly-eyed Vice reporter is how I learned how to talk to girls.
Meanwhile, I learned how to be less autistic and properly banter with other men in a sort of boisterous / aggressive way by constantly listening to Mike and Sven from TRS. And I likewise developed much of my faculty for nuanced and empathetic discussion by imitating the soulful Caledonian vlogger Millennial Woes—the style of my podcast Walt Right Perspectives clearly draws a lot of inspiration from his Millenniyule.
During this era there were literally dozens of fantastic options to draw from when looking for a parasocial big brother mentor, and I recall similar figures being just as present in adjacent and competing subcultures.
But at least for the Dissident Right, Charlottesville fucked a lot of this up. During the 2017-2021 era most of the Gen X leadership class and a lot of the Millennial rank and file were bogged down in legal proceedings, while most of the Millennials who escaped unscathed retreated into the shadows instead of stepping up to serve as leaders. We basically let the Zoomers fend for themselves, and Nick Fuentes quickly filled the leadership vacuum with his famous Groyper War on TPUSA.
Today, almost seven years later, basically nothing has changed. From my vantage point Fuentes and Andrew Tate are the only leaders who make any effort at speaking to right wing Zoomer men where they are and addressing their needs.
This needs to change. Conventionally successful Millennial guys need to step up, put down their spatulas, and make themselves available as mentors to Zoomers.
Two things happened yesterday that inspired me to write this post.
The first was that I received a very moving comment from my Zoomer friend John Arcto, who writes at The Anglofuturist:
This comment really drove home that I need to double down on this path and do my best to inspire other young guys in precisely the same way.
The second was that I received a DM from a guy (let’s call him Mark) who listened to my podcast episode with Noah and heard me express interest in following a similar path and making myself available as a life coach for Zoomers. After a bit of back-and-forth, Mark sent me some specific questions, and as I responded I soon realized that my mentoring will be a lot more scalable if I structure it as a recurring mailbag post.
This will also provide excellent content for my paywall, and given that in the recent past I quickly earned a four figure sum off a fairly short post offering basic dating advice for young guys, I’m pretty confident this is precisely the right material to make you guys open your wallets and help me quit my bug jobs.
So if you want me to help you out, feel free to DM me questions and I will respond in my next mailbag. Obviously it will be fully anonymous when posted—I won’t broadcast your personal issues to the world, as hilarious as that would be.
Now, in terms of the sort of help I can provide:
For young men, I am very well equipped to help you get laid and navigate short to medium term issues in your relationships with women. I have a very good pulse on the sensibilities / preferences of Zoomer women, as I’m currently dating a few of them myself. When it comes to issues in a long term relationship or marriage I might not be the best guy to ask, but I’ll certainly do my best, and at the very least will give you a funny and insightful take you won’t hear anywhere else.
For young women, I can tell you if a guy is serious about you or is just using you for pussy (or earnestly tells himself he’s serious about you, but is actually just using you for pussy, which is perhaps the most common outcome for girls in twenties dating). I can also provide you with excellent heuristics for filtering out fuckboys from the perspective of someone who is honestly kind of a fuckboy but feels pretty bad about it. Finally, I can give you some sneaky and effective tactics for subtly prodding your man (in a mostly indirect and feminine way) into being more masculine and agentic.
Regardless of your sex, I am fantastically equipped to help you navigate difficult workplace power dynamics and get ahead in your career. I can teach you how to handle impression management with senior executives, how to make sure performance reviews always go in your favor, and how to avoid getting additional work thrown on your plate. If you want to change careers, I can also help you find a better paying or more satisfying line of work.
Finally, if you want to make the big bucks by getting into job stacking, I can help you go down that route as well. But that will probably require a personalized consultation, and we can discuss the logistics in the DMs.
So with that spelled out, let’s take a look at Mark’s specific questions:
Problem #1: Recovering Incel
I’m 23, and I was raised very liberal. For a while I rebelled by being a reactionary conservatard “I’m waiting til marriage, they’re all degenerates, etc”. I’ve come full circle now, and I’m open to just dating for fun, but the thing that keeps hanging me up is impatience / not wanting to waste my money. Porn brain doesn’t help… How do I navigate dating and hookups without feeling like I’d be better off jerking off and saving the time & money?
Problem #2: How to Pirate?
I had a lot of success from age 15-21 building online businesses around retail arbitrage (flipping), dropshipping, etc. I lost interest in all that because it felt scummy and [CENSORED]. So 2 years ago I did a 180, moved to Utah, became a Wildland Firefighter to make an “honest living”. It was great character building but I squeezed that orange dry, and eventually came to realize that’s a boring life, not for me either. In school, I was the kid with elite SAT but horrible GPA. How do I build an exciting career that helps us win and hurts the other side?
Great questions, and probably fairly representative of many guys reading this!
Answers follow beyond the paywall, so at this juncture we’ll bid the freefriends adieu.