The Walt Right
Walt Right Perspectives
Episode 3 : Brahmin brainstorming with Rajeev Ram

Episode 3 : Brahmin brainstorming with Rajeev Ram


In today’s episode of Walt Right Perspectives I’m joined by my new friend Rajeev Ram (make sure to subscribe to him!).

Rajeev is a writer and life coach who left a lucrative career in tech to pursue spiritual and intellectual growth in small town America.

He is also a second generation Indian-American of Brahmin extraction, and his background affords him lots of fascinating insights on religion, politics, and culture.

I first met Rajeev here on Substack when he posted an incredibly moving defense of my essay renouncing white nationalism. After talking a bit we discovered we’re very similar temperamentally, and I wanted to have him on the podcast to give his insights on the issues of the day.

Topics discussed include:

  • Hindu belief structure, religious practices, and opportunities for syncretism

  • Was Vivek Ramaswamy being honest when he called himself a monotheist?

  • HBD implications of Indian caste system—are the castes distinct races?

  • Dravidians vs. Aryans

  • Vivek vs. Nikki Haley

  • South vs. North Indian immigration into America

  • Traditional vs. modern immigration from India

  • Rajeev’s political journey

  • Emotional expressiveness in men as applied to writing and seduction

  • Masculine and feminine energy

  • Political implications of homosexuality

  • Different types of gay guys

  • Sex roles in straight vs. gay relationships

  • Female submissiveness and the mechanics of hetero seduction

  • Marginal bisexual men going gay became of benign misogyny

  • Biological causes of homosexuality

  • The Faustian nature of eating disorders

  • Male to male transition

  • How to build a sense of cooperation/shared destiny between the sexes

  • Sexual release as mechanism of healing acrimony between the sexes

  • How Tinder cripples men in the sexual marketplace

  • Female sexual trauma is caused by systemically premature puberty

  • Importance of maturity and self-awareness

  • The Brahmin Question and anti-Indian animus

  • What is America?

  • Trumpism as vitalist impulse or last bastion of liberalism

  • Multipolarity of India as model for America

  • Right wing Hindu nationalism and anti-Muslim sentiment

  • Social/political centrality of ownership over technology

  • Rajeev’s choice to settle down in a small Christian town

  • MBTI posting - ENFJ vs ENTP

  • How America can solve the cycle of conflict between blacks and whites

  • Necessary connection between intelligence and moral worth in modernity

  • Derivation of human worth from embodied archetype of belonging

  • Should elites build a social incentive structure without considering their own distinct interests?

  • How to deal with resenting normies

  • Possibilities of Exit (or Walt starting a cult)

  • Women in the Right getting bullied by incels

  • Zoomer poverty of spirit and the need for adventure and a coming of age story

  • Rajeev’s coaching career

  • The limitations of therapy

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