The Walt Right
Walt Right Perspectives
Episode 44 : Human Biodiversity and the Alt Right with Sebastian Jensen
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:39:45

Episode 44 : Human Biodiversity and the Alt Right with Sebastian Jensen

In this episode of Walt Right Perspectives I speak with

, an expert in human biodiversity and prominent member of the Zoomer dissident right. You can follow him on Twitter here.

I wanted to have Seb on to discuss his response to my essay How the Alt Right Won, entitled The alt-right lost, as well as to ask him some longstanding questions I’ve had about human biodiversity, race and IQ, and other such topics.

Topics include:

  • Do Ashkenazi Jews really have an average IQ of 115? Do Australian Aboriginals and African Bushmen really have an average IQ in the 60s?

  • Is an 85 IQ African more competent than an 85 IQ European?

  • Subtest performance—are Asians actually better at math? Are Jews and Africans relatively good at verbal tasks? Are Eskimos better at visual-spatial navigation?

  • Can you quantify musical / rhythmic ability? Are black people relatively talented at music?

  • Do white people have more IQ variance than Asians?

  • Do different Indian castes have radically different average IQs?

  • How valid is the Hajnal Line thesis?

  • How valid is Emmanuel Todd’s thesis about different systems of property distribution influencing culture?

    Traditional family systems of Europe, from the work of French  anthropologist Emmanuel Todd. [1352x858] : r/MapPorn
  • Does Ireland actually have an average IQ of 90? Does Sicily have an average IQ of 89? Does Italy have as much internal diversity between Venetians and Sicilians as America has between whites and blacks?

  • How much Berber / Arab admixture do Andalusians in Spain have?

  • Is there reason to believe white Americans have a higher mean IQ than Europeans given our higher PISA scores?

  • ’s European Revolution theory that Northwest Europe developed an unusually functional temperament due to aggressively executing criminals and downward social mobility

  • Does it make sense to talk about whites as one group as opposed to dividing them into Nordics / Alpines / Mediterraneans or Cishajnals / Transhajnals?

  • Is Richard Hanania white? Is Anna Khachiyan?

  • To what extent does cousin marriage depress IQ?

  • How intelligent were Neanderthals? Is the Basque population more genetically Neanderthal than other groups?

  • Are Hungarians exceptional in any way compared to other Eastern Europeans?

  • Are the Japanese more Faustian or quasi-cishajnal in their behavior? What would have caused them to culturally diverge from China and Korea?

  • To what extent is culture downstream from a collective genotype vs. environmental factors like technology and climate?

  • What was the average IQ in classical Rome and Athens?

  • How legit is the Flynn Effect and is it still inforce?

  • Was there a selection effect on the Africans who were enslaved and brought to America vs. the ones who weren’t? To what extent does white admixture improve African-American IQ?

  • As a Castizo himself, how does Sebastian feel about Castizo Futurism?

  • Why are Hispanics in California and Arizona so left wing compared to the ones in Texas and Florida?

  • Walt and Sebastian’s disagreement over whether the Alt Right won

  • Walt disagrees with Emil’s famous study that HBD is more taboo than pedophilia and feels like attitudes have changed massively on the ground

  • Did the Alt Right mess up by trying to “redpill the normies?”

  • Is there any way to accurately quantify how normies feel about hereditarianism vs. environmental determinism?

  • Is hereditarianism toxic in that it undermines belief in free will?

  • Is there a case for obscurantism and a private position on certain issues?

  • Is it useful to “talk about talking?” Can the average person even handle metapolitical debate without falling into purity spiraling?

  • What caused the decline of human capital in the Alt Right? Were BBC posters on 4chan bots? Are creators of audiovisual content more prone to audience capture?

  • Seb is impressed by Walt’s impression of Jared Taylor

  • Regression to the racial mean—will 130 IQ blacks have lower IQ kids on average than 130 IQ whites?

  • What is Seb’s estimate for the IQ of Barack Obama, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Ted Cruz, and Ron DeSantis?

  • How the Alt Right “died for the sins” of white identity at Charlottesville

  • Generational breakdown of Alt Right vs. Dissident Right

  • Is Nick Fuentes an effective leader? Is he going too hard on Palestine?

  • Does anyone in the DR actually care about Palestinians?

  • What is Seb’s stance on Holocaust Revisionism?

  • Seb’s stance on foreign policy—does a world without war cause a sterility and lack of vitality? Does our foreign empire

  • Seb’s attitude towards dopamine traps and vice

  • Is Zoomer use of weed worse than Millennial use of alcohol?

  • Seb’s attitude toward falling male testosterone levels (is it caused by obesity or endocrine disruptors?) and falling female puberty levels

  • What caused the massive decline in maturity among people born in 2002-2006 compared to earlier Zoomers? Was it an epigenetic effect of 9/11 and the war on terror? Was it a result of Covid lockdowns in adolescence?

  • How much variance is there in an individual’s IQ test performance?

  • Seb’s thoughts on amphetamines and the widespread use among Zoomers

  • Will eating meat be seen as barbaric in 100 years?

  • What would the Native American IQ be given perfect environmental conditions?

  • Seb asks Walt what his thoughts are on the Bio-Leninism thesis

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The Walt Right
Walt Right Perspectives
agentic takes for highly Faustian white boys