Every Army knows that it doesn't matter how advanced or sophisticated one side is: you can't beat the bum rush.

What's even better about chuds is they don't mind being the army, or the meat for the grinder. They like it! That is an impossible thing for an intellectual to comprehend. They will invent psychological complexes and social theories to try to explain it, because it is so inconceivable to them that they just actually like it.

I know it's lame but I do feel the need to "not all AWFLs" and say we don't all smell bad or avoid showering. But yes it's also true that if you go into any professional office you are 100x more likely to find scent diffusers and candles in the assistant secretary's cubicle than in her boss's office. And also affluent white guys are just the same and less likely to have showered that day or to put on cologne or use hair products than the guy who delivers his Ubereats.

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In a way I tried to make the same point to him once, but it's good to see that it wasn't needed. Never really saw the actual "intellectuals" doing some massed meaningful efforts towards anything beyond writing some petitions and engaging in armchair warfare. If you have too many chieftains, you easily find yourself turned off by the constant bitching about the most miniscule stuff (OmfG, who the fuck cares...)

This all reminds me what's happening right now in Hungary. You had like 6-7 different parties in opposition who couldn't agree on anything so they were naturally slaughtered every time by Orbán. But now we have a new guy...charismatic, witty, funny and most importantly has the balls and the self-declared smart people can't stop complaining about how dangerous it is to have one "leader".(in the meantime Orbán and Magyar are head-to-head eachother with around 40%-43% while the remaining 20%-17% is on the 7 other parties.)

And this must be subjective experience but I've been to protests(because I like to be sprayed by tear gas...it's actually refreshing and clears your sinuses) and the "feeling" can't be any more different. While before it was more like a bunch of individuals together, lately it feels like a single mass. And it shows as the media struggles to pick a single target while they can't land a single punch on Magyar either.

Also can't help but laugh about the personal hygiene subject. Never really made the connection myself but it is certainly there. Great point with the scented candles and smudge sticks too. Will be looking out for the signs in the future. I'm not sure if this really fits but might add a mental health one.

"You can't handle me!"...right, I can't(someone actually got offended when I answered this). But why should I when a chud girl is much more accomodating and chill. It saves me a lot of cognitive resources too. Although a chud rage is much more real this way. While the high class one is much more likely to drive you insane, with the other one you might have to dodge flying plates. But these might be just my experience.

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Lol, you like getting tear gased. Well that's a new one. 😆 I believe you though.

It reminds me when my husband told me that as part of some military training they did, everyone had to get tasered so that they all "knew what it felt like". I was like there's no actual reason that knowing what it feels like to be tasered would have any effect on your ability to use one whatsoever, that makes no sense...you guys just obviously wanted an excuse to taser each other, and were all willing to get tasered so that you could watch your friends get tasered too because that sounded fun and cool to you. Which at first he got mad at me for but eventually admitted it was true lol.

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It's great. For the first time I was dragged by my friends to a protest and I was tired, bored and really didn't want to be there. Then I got a dose straight from around a meter.

After 3-4 minutes being out of action I was like..."That was actually...awesome! Let's do it again!" No more fatigue, just pure adrenaline kick.

When you see some guys running through tear gas clouds, those guys might just be having the time of their lives. I guess there's something quintessentially chud in this.

And your husband is hilarious but I also feel it. Close up some guys in one place for some time with a taser and you can be sure that they will be using it on each other. I'm not a masochist but I'm actually curious how it feels. Like it can't be that bad. (Famous last words)

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The best thing about chuds is their authenticity. They simply are; when asked, "Why do you like football?" the answer will be a simple, "I just do." There's no integrated performance to their behaviors.

Meanwhile, I'm going through a mini-existential crisis in regard to my "love" of Literature. I didn't start seriously reading until I was around 18. I consciously mapped that enjoying Literature was high status around this time, and this was the primary mover for my introduction to fiction (I first read Don Quixote).

Now, I can't square the internal circle of the question: is my love of Literature rooted in a performative want to code as high status, or do I actually just authentically love Literature? When I ask myself that question and reminisce about some of my favorite novels (Infinite Jest, Blood Meridian, The Unbearable Lightness of Being), I clearly did love them... but did I? The delineation isn't entirely clear to me, and I question if my "love" of Lit was simply a performance, one done so well I even tricked myself (I imagine this is how Modern Art largely works).

Where does my performative and authentic self bifurcate? The obvious answer is it doesn't; we are all some blend of the two, hopelessly jostling, grasping in the dark for our "true" self.

I imagine a chud would think everything I just said is gay and continue watching the game. I envy him this luxury. There’s a purity there—a guy, his game, his team. No smoke and mirrors, just pure fandom.

"Go Vikings!"

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Better a loyal ‘chud’ than treacherous and backstabbing (and pretentious) ‘Elite Human Capital.’

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> I usually get the most mileage out of the ever-reliable tactic of agreeing with libtards for the wrong reasons

I realize it's childish of me but I find doing this hilarious.

"What?! Of *course* I'm voting Democrat! The Republicans would end abortion, and the Black population would just explode! Nobody who lives in this country wants *that!*"

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You need to do a bit of trolling.

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I think there is one thing you should be careful about, which the more coherent critiques by the iFunny refugees have pointed out:

If you really respect the chud then you’d be a bit nicer to him. The chud is an emotional and simple creature. He doesn’t like when you in various ways constantly incessantly attach negative normative connotation to his identity as a chud.

Obviously, by making this article you are extending an olive branch. You clearly aren’t quite the opportunistic backstabbing EHC snob (who utterly hates Chuds like Hanania does) some people think you are.

But while this article proves you have some tolerance of diverse preferences, I think that’s precisely the thing that needs to be cultivated far more to ease tensions across the more intellectual and chuddy spaces of the right.

I haven’t ever watched a full game of Saturday night football. Is it Sunday night football? I literally don’t even know.

But my acceptance of an extremely diverse and tolerant range of personal subjective preferences allows me to be perfectly content with the fact that some people like football, and some people like classic literature. There’s not even an objective standard that determines which value is better.

In civilizational terms, yes you need hierarchy. Yes you need people more refined and eclectic. These people must also be rarer. Elite overproduction is statistically a very very dangerous thing.

However this doesn’t mean the chud is any less significant. Both parts are necessary. Both are equal in the sense that they both are good and natural and without either society would not function. Corporatism is a cultural thing.

Therefore I respect the chud in the same way I respect a lion. A lion is dumb compared to me, he lacks culture of course, he lacks intelligence. But he can only act according to his nature and just because I do not like the taste of gazelle blood does not mean I consider him less than me. He has different preferences!

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Don't know where I saw, that Hanania is right-wing, but it should be essential to cordon him off the discussion or make it clear that he is indeed...a shitlib. He is just too alienating and his sperging for the EHC really works against our interests.

And also...he is a charisma black hole. I could see myself standing up for Walt, even if I don't agree with him on some/many things (and it's not stupid infighting on some miniscule bullshit). Can you see anyone doing the same for Hanania? It's best to handle him an enemy by this point.

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Yeah he’s a shitlib and it’s better to just call him that I agree. Anyone who understands the necessity of a sustainable civilization (and the logical fallout of that) is a friend in my book.

Anyone who doesn’t… I have some nuance but it’s mostly all opposition.

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Contrary to popular belief, the intelligent and educated are more prone to congitive dissonance than are the cloddish.

This is because the intelligent are better at symbol manipulation, at making a case for a preferred outcome, and they also wrap more of themselves in their chosen identity. Once you get them on your side, they'll train themselves, they'll come up with the rationales all on their own.

Look at cults and the humans who join them.

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One thing I despise about intellectuals is how seriously they take themselves. Yes pal, you who has no life experience and are a high iq WEIRDo are able to explain the best way for everyone else to live, yeah… okay sure, how’s that worked out the last dozen times? Oh and I can’t even make fun of your stupid bullshit because I don’t “get it”? Even though your brilliant multi page essay can be boiled down into a single paragraph, two at most?

At the end of the day, after we’ve conquered the world and are having our triumphal marches, we still need that one chud next to us, whispering in our ears… “You’re still retarded”.

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I laughed pretty hard at this combo. Great irony, perhaps not intentional but still great.

"People with a lot of verbal ability can spin a fanciful tale that dignifies their worst traits..."


"Meanwhile success is overwhelmingly a function of timing and luck more than hard work or talent, even if this inevitably gets obscured by survivorship bias in rich people."

I do it too, man. Good essay, thanks. But 115 IQ is your cut-off for a chud? That's pretty dang smart.

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Billions must read !

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